HO Scale Lunde Studios P-33 Center Ctr Resin Building Kit
OEM in Package/Box
The Center Ctr building from Lunde Studios is a four-story brick structure suitable for any era from the 1900s to the present. Based on a typical center-of-the-block structure often seen in rows of commercial and residential areas, this cast-resin kit will be at home on any HO Scale layout. Parts come molded in colors: side and rear walls are cast in correct common brick color, the facade wall is cast in a stone color and the roof is black. Painting the brick and street-level storefront is recommended. The Center Ctr building features Tab and slot locators and precisely machined 45 degree angles for easy assembly of wall corners.
As shown the finished model measures: 3-1/4 x 5 x 7" 8.3 x 12.7 x 17.8cm.
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