N Scale Rix Products 628-0707 Guthrie Grain Elevator Kit
OEM in Package
This elevator and grain bins represents the style used all over the country at farms and industries. The Rix N Scale Guthrie Grain offers a highly detailed elevator with ladders, platforms and distribution box along with 2 30 foot grain bins. The Grain Elevator can be built in 30 foot increments up to any height you wish. Color matches galvanized metal. The N Scale Grain Elevator is available separately (628-0707) and is also packaged as an industry called Guthrie Grain. The Guthrie Grain kit includes a 60 foot tall grain elevator, two 30 foot tall grain bins and chute tubes. Additional 30 and 40 foot grain bins are also available for Rix Products. Concrete colored base not included.
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